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Countries historical health expenditure per alternative and nuclear energy


This scatter chart displays health expenditure (% of GDP) against alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use). The data is from our countries entity.



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Alternative And Nuclear Energy: Clean energy is noncarbohydrate energy that does not produce carbon dioxide when generated. It includes hydropower and nuclear, geothermal, and solar power, among others. This metric is expressed in % of total energy use.
Health Expenditure: Level of current health expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP. Estimates of current health expenditures include healthcare goods and services consumed during each year. This indicator does not include capital health expenditures such as buildings, machinery, IT and stocks of vaccines for emergency or outbreaks. This metric is expressed in % of GDP.


This chart is based on data from: World Bank

Updated: 16 days ago

This chart can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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