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Countries historical suicide mortality rate per rural land area


This scatter chart displays suicide mortality rate (per 100,000 population) against rural land area (km&sup2). The data is from our countries entity.



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Rural Land Area: Rural land area in square kilometers, derived from urban extent grids which distinguish urban and rural areas based on a combination of population counts (persons), settlement points, and the presence of Nighttime Lights. Areas are defined as urban where contiguous lighted cells from the Nighttime Lights or approximated urban extents based on buffered settlement points for which the total population is greater than 5,000 persons. This metric is expressed in km².
Suicide Mortality Rate: Suicide mortality rate is the number of suicide deaths in a year per 100,000 population. Crude suicide rate (not age-adjusted). This metric is expressed in per 100,000 population.


This chart is based on data from: World Bank

Updated: 16 days ago

This chart can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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