745,000 other EU nationals live in the Netherlands: Eurostat - Africa's largest lake that's shared by 3 countries and over 200 miles long - Alicante's global boom: Foreigners now 27.6% of population - UK population to soar to 72.5 million by 2032 due to net migration rise, ONS says - European country twice the size of Wales with 400,000 residents - but it 'doesn't exist' - Major new land reclamation project announced in Gibraltar as tiny territory nears 40,000 residents - Three-Quarters of Earth's Land Got Drier in Recent Decades, U.N. Says - 'Coastal land worth 1 L cr encroached or destroyed' - Drylands now make up 40% of land on Earth, excluding Antarctica, study says - Earth's lands are drying out. Nations are trying to address it in talks this week
Land area, number of countries, number of regions and population of continents
This dataset is about continents. It has 5 columns: continent, land area, number of countries, number of regions, and population. The data is ordered by population (descending).
Dataset preview (limited to 100 rows)
There are 5 rows in this dataset and is 100% filled with non-null values
This dataset is based on data from: World Bank
This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license