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All shops
This dataset is about shops, featuring 14 columns including address, brand, city, country, and email. The preview is ordered by postcode (descending).
This dataset consists of 10,121 rows and is 68% filled with non-null values.
Dataset preview (limited to 100 rows):
There are 14 fields used in this dataset, including filters:
- Address: Shop address.
- Brand: Brand of shop.
- City: City in which the shop is located.
- Country: Country in which the shop is located.
- Email: Shop email address.
- Facebook Link: Facebook page.
- Link: Link to shop website.
- Opening Times: Shop opening times.
- Phone: Shop phonenumber.
- Postcode: Shop postcode.
- Services Available: The various services offered by each shop.
- Shop: Name of shop.
- Street: Street on which the shop is located.
- Type: The specific format or variant of a retail chain.