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Address, phone and email of shops


This dataset is about shops. It has 5 columns: brand, country, address, phone, and email. The data is ordered by postcode.

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This dataset has 10,121 rows and is 67.35% filled with non-null values

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Shop: (str, 100% fill rate)
Brand: (str, 100% fill rate)
Type: (str, 71% fill rate)
Address: (str, 100% fill rate)
Opening Times: (str, 57% fill rate)
Link: (str, 100% fill rate)
Street: (str, 58% fill rate)
City: (str, 97% fill rate)
Postcode: (int, 97% fill rate)
Country: (str, 99% fill rate)
Phone: (str, 33% fill rate)
Facebook Link: Facebook page (str, 18% fill rate)
Services Available: (str, 12% fill rate)
Email: (str, 5% fill rate)


This dataset is based on data from: Auchan, Biocoop, Carrefour, Casino, Cora, E.Leclerc, Franprix, Grand-Frais, Intermarche, Lidl, U, Monoprix

Updated: 149 days ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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