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Key metrics of stocks over time after 2024-09-13


This dataset is about stocks and is filtered where the date is after 2024-09-13. It has 5 columns: date, opening price, highest price, lowest price, and closing price. The data is ordered by date.

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Stock: (str, 100% fill rate)
Closing Price: The last price a stock trades at during the day (float, 100% fill rate)
Date: (date, date, 100% fill rate)
Opening Price: The first price a stock trades at during the day (float, 100% fill rate)
Highest Price: The highest price a crypto traded at on a given day (float, 100% fill rate)
Lowest Price: The lowest price a stock traded at on a given day (float, 100% fill rate)


This dataset is based on data from: YFINANCE

Updated: 1 day ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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