Art movements
There is currently data on 141 art movements across 6 fields. This entity is part of the culture section and is classified as a topic.
Complete dataset:
Currently trending:
Art movement era
Period of the art movement. -
Distinct values: 6
- Fill rate: 100%
Art movements where art movement era equals 20th century post-1945
Number of artworks linked to that art movement. -
Distinct values: 66
- Fill rate: 100%
Top art movements by number of artworks
Art movements where artworks more than 17
Max date
Year of the creation of the last artwork linked to this movement. -
Distinct values: 95
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: year
Art movements max after 1942
Average date
Average date of artwork linked to that art movement. -
Distinct values: 95
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: year