There is currently data on 782,214 artworks across 13 fields - it can be used as: dataset, chart
Complete dataset:
Currently trending:
Creation start date
Artworks creation start after 1876
Creation end date
Artworks creation end after 1896
Top artworks by width
Relationship between height and width of artworks
Artworks where width more than 19.6
Top artworks by height
Artworks where height more than 20.3
Top artworks by depth
Art medium
Category of the artwork based on its type, style, or medium. -
Distinct values: 2,347
- Fill rate: 98%
Top art mediums by number of artworks
Artworks in Print
Museum where the artwork is currently located. -
Distinct values: 4
- Fill rate: 100%
Top museums by number of artworks
Artworks from Rijksmuseum
Acquisition date
The date on which the artwork was acquired by an organization or museum. -
Distinct values: 2,043
- Fill rate: 19%
- Expressed in: date
Artworks acquisition after 1975-01-01
Acquisition year
The year in which the artwork was acquired by an organization or museum. -
Distinct values: 222
- Fill rate: 53%
- Expressed in: year