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6 hours ago

There is currently data on 782,578 artworks spanning 13 fields. This entity belongs to the culture section and is classified as an object.

The artworks currently trending are:

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dataset Artworks acquired after 1975-01-01:

dataset Artworks acquired after 1975:

dataset Artworks in Print :

dataset All artworks:

dataset Artworks created after 1896:

dataset Artworks with a height greater than 20.3 :

dataset Artworks held in Rijksmuseum:

dataset Artworks that were started after 1876:

dataset Artworks with a width greater than 19.6:


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: art medium, art medium details, artwork link, museum, credit.

Top art mediums by number of artworks

Top museums by number of artworks


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: width, height, depth.

Top artworks by depth

Top artworks by height

Top artworks by width

Relationship between height and width of artworks


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: creation start date, creation end date, acquisition date, acquisition year.

Knowledge Graph


This content is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.