There is currently data on 1,046,722 authors spanning 7 fields. This entity belongs to the culture section and is classified as a person.
The authors currently trending are:
Available workflows
This is currently possible given the technicalities of this entity:
Here are the dimensions available on this entity:.
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: number of books published, books in series.
Top authors by number of books published
Authors with more than 1 books :
Top authors by books in series
Authors with more than 0 books in a series :
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: birth date, death date, first publication date, last publication date.
Relationship between last publication date and first publication date
Authors whose earliest book was published after 2002:
Authors born after 1900:
Authors who died after 1980:
Authors with books published after 2009:
Knowledge Graph
This content is based on data from: The British Library.
This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.