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Book publishers
There is currently data on 168,983 book publishers spanning 5 fields. This entity belongs to the culture section and is classified as an organization.
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The book publishers currently trending are:
Stripes, an imprint of Little Tiger Press,
Strelka Press,
Institute of Revenues and Rating Valuation,
St Lucie,
Committee For Linguistics In Education,
St John's School.
Here are the dimensions available on this entity:
book publisher.
Here are the dimensions available on this entity:
number of books published,
Top book publishers by number of authors published
Book publishers with more than 1 authors published:
Top book publishers by number of books published
Book publishers with more than 1 books published:
Here are the dimensions available on this entity:
earliest publication date,
latest publication date.
Book publishers with a maximum publication date after 2004:
Book publishers with a minimum publication date after 2000:
Knowledge Graph
Amongst the 2 units related to this entity, here are the most frequent ones:
This content is based on data from: The British Library
This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license