Book subjects
There is currently data on 293,135 book subjects spanning 6 fields. This entity belongs to the culture section and is classified as a topic.
The book subjects currently trending are:
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Book subjects with more than 4 authors :
Book subjects with average publication date after 2007:
Book subjects with more than 5 books :
Book subjects with a latest publication date after 2017:
Book subjects with a earliest publication date after 1997:
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: book subject.
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: number of authors, number of books.
Top book subjects by number of authors
Top book subjects by number of books
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: earliest publication date, latest publication date, average publication date.
Knowledge Graph
This content is based on data from: The British Library.
This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.