Book subjects
There is currently data on 293,135 book subjects across 6 fields - it can be used as: dataset, chart
Complete dataset:
Currently trending:
Earliest publication date
Earliest year with a recorded publication. -
Distinct values: 155
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: year
Book subjects earliest publication after 1997
Latest publication date
Book subjects latest publication after 2017
Average publication date
Average date of publication of books associated with the book subject. -
Distinct values: 78
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: year
Book subjects average publication after 2007
Number of authors
Number of authors with books associated with the book subject. -
Distinct values: 814
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: people
Top book subjects by number of authors
Book subjects where number of authors more than 4
Number of books
Number books associated with the book subject. -
Distinct values: 1,050
- Fill rate: 100%
Top book subjects by number of books
Book subjects where number of books more than 5
We also have data on: Book subject
Knowledge Graph
Amongst the 2 units related to this entity, here are the most frequent ones:
This content is based on data from: The British Library
This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license