There is currently data on 3,178,069 books spanning 7 fields. This entity belongs to the culture section and is classified as an object.
The books currently trending are:
- The political economy of U.S. tariffs : an empirical analysis
- Tariff making and trade policy in the U.S. and Canada : a comparative study
- Extreme wildfire events and disasters : root causes and new management strategies
- The geoeconomic diplomacy of European sanctions : networked practices and sanctions implementation
- Author, book publisher and publication date of books
- All books
- Measles virus and its biology
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Here are the dimensions available on this entity: author, language, book publisher, isbn, bnb id.
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Here are the dimensions available on this entity: publication date.
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This content is based on data from: The British Library.
This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.