There is currently data on 3,466,499 companies spanning 42 fields. This entity belongs to the business section.
Complete dataset:
Currently trending:
Sector refers to a part of the economy and is a broader category that encompasses multiple industries. -
Distinct values: 16
- Fill rate: 100%
Top sectors by number of companies
Companies in the Industrials sector
Industry refers to a group of companies that operate in a similar business sphere. -
Distinct values: 71
- Fill rate: 46%
Top industries by number of companies
Companies in the Software industry
Headquarters of the company. -
Distinct values: 48,861
- Fill rate: 47%
Companies in London
Country in which the company is located. -
Distinct values: 95
- Fill rate: 100%
Top countries by number of companies
Global density of companies
Companies from the United States
CEO gender
Gender of company CEO. -
Distinct values: 2
- Fill rate: 89%
Proportion of CEOs per gender in the United States
Companies where CEO gender equals Female
Number of employees under contract. -
Distinct values: 6,436
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: people
Top companies by employees
Companies where employees more than 1000
Employee type
Indicates whether the number of employees is an exact figure or an estimate. -
Distinct values: 2
- Fill rate: 71%
Proportion of employee types in companies from the United States
Companies where employee type equals estimate
Total income from operations over a set period of time, before subtracting expenses. -
Distinct values: 22,364
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: $
Top companies by revenues
Companies where revenues more than 5728720
Revenue type
Indicates whether the revenue value is an exact figure or an estimate. -
Distinct values: 2
- Fill rate: 71%
Proportion of revenue types by company in the United States
Companies where revenue type equals estimate
Foundation year
Distribution of companies founded in the United States by year
Companies where foundation year more than 2010
LinkedIn followers
Number of followers on LinkedIn. -
Distinct values: 41,527
- Fill rate: 21%
- Expressed in: followers
Top companies by LinkedIn followers
Companies where LinkedIn followers more than 1000000
Twitter followers
Number of followers on Twitter. -
Distinct values: 55,264
- Fill rate: 22%
- Expressed in: followers
Top companies by Twitter followers
Companies where Twitter followers more than 1000000
Number of tweets from company twitter account. -
Distinct values: 50,284
- Fill rate: 22%
Top companies by tweets
Talking points
Concatenation in English of different descriptions of the companies, coming from different sources such as the website or social media. -
Distinct values: 3,150,955
- Fill rate: 100%
Companies where talking points includes sustainability
The set of technologies, tools, and frameworks used to develop a software or application. -
Distinct values: 159
- Fill rate: 61%
Companies where stack includes shopify
We also have data on: Website, Website, CEO, CEO, Free cash flow, Debt, Profits, Assets, Market cap, Domain, LinkedIn link, Twitter link, Twitter username, Facebook link, Instagram link and CEO approval