There is currently data on 3,550,070 companies spanning 42 fields. This entity belongs to the business section and is classified as an organization.
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The companies currently trending are: Auburn Tigers, Bucknellu, Citadel, KIIT, La Salle Institute, Mercer Transportation, Pacers.
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: sector, industry, website, city, country, ceo, ceo gender, employee type, revenue type, domain, linkedin link, x link, x username, facebook link, instagram link, talking points, stack.
Top sectors by number of companies
Industrials companies :
Proportion of companies per revenue type
Companies with estimate revenue :
Top industries by number of companies
Software companies :
Proportion of employee types in companies from United States
Companies with estimate employees :
Global density of companies
Top countries by number of companies
Companies in United States:
Proportion of CEOs per gender in United States
Companies with Female CEOs :
Companies mentioning sustainability in their talking points :
Companies with "shopify" in their stack :
Companies in London:
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: employees, revenues, free cash flow, debt, profits, assets, market cap, linkedin followers, x followers, tweets, ceo approval.
Top companies by CEO approval
Top companies by tweets
Relationship between employees and revenues of companies
Top companies by revenues
Companies with revenues greater than 5728720:
Top companies by LinkedIn followers
Companies with over 1000000 LinkedIn followers :
Top companies by employees
Companies with more than 1000 employees:
Top companies by Twitter followers
Companies with over 1000000 Twitter followers :
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: foundation year.
Distribution of companies in United States by foundation year
Companies founded after 2010: