
57 days ago

There is currently data on 3,466,499 companies spanning 42 fields. This entity belongs to the business section.

Complete dataset:

Currently trending:


Sector refers to a part of the economy and is a broader category that encompasses multiple industries. - Distinct values: 16 - Fill rate: 100%

Top sectors by number of companies

Companies in the Industrials sector


Industry refers to a group of companies that operate in a similar business sphere. - Distinct values: 71 - Fill rate: 46%

Top industries by number of companies

Companies in the Software industry


Headquarters of the company. - Distinct values: 48,861 - Fill rate: 47%

Companies in London


Country in which the company is located. - Distinct values: 95 - Fill rate: 100%

Top countries by number of companies

Global density of companies

Companies from the United States

CEO gender

Gender of company CEO. - Distinct values: 2 - Fill rate: 89%

Proportion of CEOs per gender in the United States

Companies where CEO gender equals Female


Number of employees under contract. - Distinct values: 6,436 - Fill rate: 100% - Expressed in: people

Top companies by employees

Companies where employees more than 1000

Employee type

Indicates whether the number of employees is an exact figure or an estimate. - Distinct values: 2 - Fill rate: 71%

Proportion of employee types in companies from the United States

Companies where employee type equals estimate


Total income from operations over a set period of time, before subtracting expenses. - Distinct values: 22,364 - Fill rate: 100% - Expressed in: $

Top companies by revenues

Companies where revenues more than 5728720

Revenue type

Indicates whether the revenue value is an exact figure or an estimate. - Distinct values: 2 - Fill rate: 71%

Proportion of revenue types by company in the United States

Companies where revenue type equals estimate

Foundation year

The year the company was established. - Distinct values: 228 - Fill rate: 38% - Expressed in: year

Distribution of companies founded in the United States by year

Companies where foundation year more than 2010

LinkedIn followers

Number of followers on LinkedIn. - Distinct values: 41,527 - Fill rate: 21% - Expressed in: followers

Top companies by LinkedIn followers

Companies where LinkedIn followers more than 1000000

Twitter followers

Number of followers on Twitter. - Distinct values: 55,264 - Fill rate: 22% - Expressed in: followers

Top companies by Twitter followers

Companies where Twitter followers more than 1000000


Number of tweets from company twitter account. - Distinct values: 50,284 - Fill rate: 22%

Top companies by tweets

Talking points

Concatenation in English of different descriptions of the companies, coming from different sources such as the website or social media. - Distinct values: 3,150,955 - Fill rate: 100%

Companies where talking points includes sustainability


The set of technologies, tools, and frameworks used to develop a software or application. - Distinct values: 159 - Fill rate: 61%

Companies where stack includes shopify

Knowledge Graph

Amongst the 5 units related to this entity, here are the most frequent ones:


This content is based on data from: YAHOO-FIN, YFINANCE, Twitter

This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license