There is currently data on 25 cryptos across 25 fields. This entity is part of the business section and is classified as a object.
Complete dataset:
Currently trending:
Market cap
The total value of all the coins that have been mined. -
Distinct values: 25
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: $
Top cryptos by market cap
The relative position a cryptocurrency occupies in the market. -
Distinct values: 25
- Fill rate: 100%
Top cryptos by ranking
Total supply
The total amount of a cryptocurrency's coins or tokens that have been created, minus any that have been destroyed or burned. -
Distinct values: 23
- Fill rate: 100%
Top cryptocurrencies by total supply
Max supply
The maximum amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency. -
Distinct values: 9
- Fill rate: 100%
Cryptos where max supply equals infinite
Proof type
The consensus mechanism used by each cryptocurrency to validate transactions and new blocks added to the blockchain. -
Distinct values: 6
- Fill rate: 84%
Cryptos where proof type equals Not mineable
The official currency used on exchange in which the crypto is traded. -
Distinct values: 1
- Fill rate: 100%
Cryptos where currency equals USD
Closing price
The last price a crypto trades at during the day. -
Distinct values: 25,557
- Fill rate: 100%
Hourly evolution of Bitcoin closing price
Opening price
The first price a crypto trades at during the day. -
Distinct values: 25,571
- Fill rate: 100%
Hourly evolution of Bitcoin opening price
Highest price
The highest price a crypto traded at on a given day. -
Distinct values: 24,917
- Fill rate: 100%
Daily evolution of historical highest price of Bitcoin
Lowest price
The lowest price a crypto traded at on a given day. -
Distinct values: 24,519
- Fill rate: 100%