There is currently data on 77,955 politicians spanning 10 fields. This entity belongs to the politics section and is classified as a person.
The politicians currently trending are:
Available workflows
This is currently possible given the technicalities of this entity:
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: country, political party, gender, instagram link, x link.
Top countries by number of politicians
Global density of politicians
Proportion of politicians per gender in the United States
Top political parties by number of politicians
Politicians from SPD (Germany):
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: instagram followers, x followers.
Top politicians by Instagram followers
Top politicians by Twitter followers
Politicians with over 1000000 Twitter followers :
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: birth date, death date.
Distribution of politicians from the United States by birth year
Politicians born after 1970:
Knowledge Graph
This content is based on data from: EveryPolitician, Harvard University Dataverse.
This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.