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33 minutes ago

There is currently data on 22 regions spanning 53 fields. This entity belongs to the environment section and is classified as a place.

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The regions currently trending are: Central America, Micronesia, Australia and New Zealand, Middle Africa, Western Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe.


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: continent.

Top continents by number of regions

dataset Regions in Africa:


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: number of countries, agricultural land, forest area, land area, rural land area, urban land area, central government debt, expense, gdp, self-employed workers, tax revenue, unemployment, vulnerable employment, access to electricity, alternative and nuclear energy, electricity production from coal sources, electricity production from natural gas sources, electricity production from nuclear sources, electricity production from oil sources, electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric, net energy imports, fossil fuel energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions (co2), methane emissions, nitrous oxide emissions, greenhouse gas emissions (co2, ch4, n2o, hfcs, pfcs, sf6), urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters , health expenditure, health expenditure per capita, hospital beds, incidence of hiv, suicide mortality rate, armed forces personnel, internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence, military expenditure, birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, individuals using the internet, life expectancy at birth, net migration, female population, male population, population, proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments, rural population, urban population, press freedom, democracy score, median age.

Top regions by agricultural land

Relationship between population and agricultural land by region

Top regions by incidence of HIV

Top regions by hospital beds

Top regions by internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence

Top regions by individuals using the Internet

Top regions by land area

Top regions by life expectancy at birth

Top regions by median age

Top regions by methane emissions

Top regions by military expenditure

Top regions by net migration

Top regions by nitrous oxide emissions

Top regions by population

Top regions by female population

Top regions by male population

Top regions by press freedom

Top regions by renewable energy consumption

Top regions by rural land area

Top regions by rural population

Top regions by proportion of self-employed workers

Top regions by suicide mortality rate

Top regions by tax revenue

Top regions by unemployment rate

Top regions by urban land area

Top regions by urban population

Top regions by urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters

Top regions by health expenditure

Top regions by vulnerable employment

Top regions by health expenditure per capita

Top regions by GDP

Top regions by alternative and nuclear energy

Top regions by armed forces personnel

Top regions by birth rate

Top regions by central government debt

Top regions by total carbon dioxide emissions (CO2)

Top regions by number of countries

dataset Regions with more than 9 countries:

Top regions by death rate

Top regions by greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6)

Top regions by access to electricity

Top regions by democracy score

Top regions by electricity production from natural gas sources

Top regions by electricity production from nuclear sources

dataset Regions with more than 0.6% of electricity production from nuclear sources:

Top regions by electricity production from oil sources

Top regions by electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric

Top regions by net energy imports

Top regions by expense

Relationship between central government debt and expense by region

Top regions by fertility rate

Top regions by forest area

Top regions by fossil fuel energy consumption

Top regions by electricity production from coal sources

Top regions by proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments

Knowledge Graph


This content is based on data from: World Bank.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.