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There is currently data on 1,349 sites spanning 10 fields. This entity belongs to the environment section and is classified as a place.

The sites currently trending are:

Available workflows

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dataset Cultural sites :

dataset Sites in the United States:

dataset Sites No:

dataset Sites inscribed after 1995:

dataset All sites:

dataset Sites that are No:


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: country, is the site in danger, category, transboundary.

Top countries by number of sites

Global density of sites

Proportion of transboundary sites


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: latitude, longitude.


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: area.

Top sites by area

Geographical distribution of sites in the United States by area


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: inscription date, removal date.

Distribution of sites in the United States by inscription year

Knowledge Graph


This content is based on data from: UNESCO.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.