There is currently data on 2,021 universities spanning 15 fields. This entity belongs to the research section and is classified as an organization.
The universities currently trending are:
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Universities in Guangzhou, Guangdong, People's Republic of China:
Universities in Beijing:
Universities founded after 1980:
Universities with more than 23932 students :
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Here are the dimensions available on this entity: country, city, domain, address, description, logo link.
Top cities by number of universities
Top countries by number of universities
Global density of universities
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: latitude, longitude.
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: total students, ranking, undergraduate students, graduate students, international students.
Top universities by graduate students
Top universities by international students
Top universities by ranking
Top universities by total students
Geographical distribution of universities in the United States by total students
Top universities by undergraduate students
Here are the dimensions available on this entity: foundation year.
Distribution of universities in the United States per foundation year
Knowledge Graph
This content is based on data from: The Center for World University Rankings, Shanghai University Ranking.
This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.