There is currently data on 3,639 wildfires spanning 10 fields. This entity belongs to the environment section.
Complete dataset:
Nothing is trending right now, sorry
Country in which the wildfire is located. -
Distinct values: 99
- Fill rate: 100%
Top countries by number of wildfires
Global density of wildfires
Wildfires in the United States
Total fire area
Total area covered by wildfire. -
Distinct values: 2,597
- Fill rate: 100%
Top wildfires by total fire area
Wildfires where total fire area more than 22641.6
Fire radiative power mean
Rate of emitted radiative energy by the fire at the time of the observation. -
Distinct values: 1,465
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: megawatts
Top wildfires by fire radiative power mean
Wildfires where fire radiative power mean more than 7.7
Brightness temperature mean
Average measurement of the microwave radiation that travels from the top of the atmosphere to a satellite. -
Distinct values: 2,300
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: kelvin