
9 hours ago

There is currently data on 3,205 wildfires spanning 10 fields. This entity belongs to the environment section.

Nothing is trending right now, sorry

Available workflows

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Download the entire wildfires dataset:

Customize your dataset, like those suggestions:

dataset Wildfires with a brightness temperature mean above 299.8 degrees Celsius :

dataset Wildfires in Brazil:

dataset Wildfires with a fire radiative power mean greater than 7.7 MW:

dataset Wildfires with a mean length greater than 168.8:

dataset Wildfires with a total fire area greater than 22641.6:

dataset Wildfires with a mean width greater than 165:

dataset All wildfires:


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: country.

Top countries by number of wildfires

Global density of wildfires


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: latitude, longitude, wildfire coordinates.


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: total fire area, fire radiative power mean, brightness temperature mean, width mean, length mean.

Top wildfires by brightness temperature mean

Top wildfires by fire radiative power mean

Top wildfires by length mean

Top wildfires by total fire area

Top wildfires by width mean

Geographical distribution of wildfires in the United States by mean width

Relationship between mean length and mean width of wildfires in the United States

Knowledge Graph


This content is based on data from: NASA.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.