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Select your table:
Exchanges (79)
Companies (3,466,499)
Shops (10,121)
Museums (80)
Artists (33,709)
Countries (194)
Countries yearly (194)
Cities (47,605)
Sites (1,264)
Wildfires (4,182)
Diseases daily (243,872)
Diseases (2)
Political parties (2,483)
Politicians (77,955)
Universities (2,021)
Athletes (11,544)
Competitions (1)
Select your metric:
Environment metrics:
Electricity production from nuclear sources
Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric
Electricity production from natural gas sources
Electricity production from coal sources
Access to electricity
Electricity production from oil sources
Carbon dioxide emissions (co2)
Agricultural land
Electricity production from hydroelectric sources
Female population
Alternative and nuclear energy
Male population
Renewable energy consumption
Urban land area
Urban population
Net energy imports
Nitrous oxide emissions
Rural land area
Greenhouse gas emissions (co2, ch4, n2o, hfcs, pfcs, sf6)
Forest area
Land area
Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters
Median age
Fertility rate
Rural population
Fossil fuel energy consumption
Methane emissions
Politics metrics:
Business metrics:
Environment metrics:
Carbon dioxide emissions (co2)
Electricity production from natural gas sources
Electricity production from hydroelectric sources
Electricity production from coal sources
Land area
Female population
Male population
Greenhouse gas emissions (co2, ch4, n2o, hfcs, pfcs, sf6)
Methane emissions
Nitrous oxide emissions
Renewable energy consumption
Fossil fuel energy consumption
Rural land area
Rural population
Access to electricity
Alternative and nuclear energy
Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters
Agricultural land
Electricity production from oil sources
Electricity production from nuclear sources
Forest area
Urban population
Median age
Net energy imports
Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric
Fertility rate
Urban land area
Countries yearly
Health metrics:
Politics metrics: