Updated: 15 hours and 55 minutes ago

There has been 13 related news in the past 90 days:

This is the latest:

Local bodies owe Rs 5,069 cr to Tangedco
NGT asks Tangedco for details on concrete structures in CRZ zone
Tangedco to hold grievance redressal meet tomorrow
Inform people through SMS about planned power shutdown, minister tells Tangedco
Tangedco's solar power generation reaches new heights
Tangedco's provisional subsidy bill shoots up by Rs519 crore
Tangedco SMS baffles many
Corporation, Tangedco to clean up mess near transformers
Tangedco to buy 1,000MW for five years to meet peak load, reduce financial burden
Tangedco to hold grievance meeting for electricity consumers in Chennai's IT corridor
Don't delay industrial connection applications: Tangedco to field staff
Tangedco to hold grievance meetings in Trichy district

Top publishers amongst the 1 on this scope:

Times of India 100.0%

It spreads amongst 2 sections:

business 84.62%
politics 7.69%

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