News on Tsinghua University

61 days ago

There has been 4 news on Tsinghua University in the past from 3 sources across 2 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: strongly positive with a score of 0.74

positive 75%
neutral 25%

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China gains on U.S. in AI research, with Tsinghua University chasing Google

61d ago

Royal Society fellow Vladimir Markovic joins China's top maths institute at Tsinghua University

98d ago

Tsinghua University-incubated start-up to widen test of virtual hospital with 'AI doctors'

100d ago

UC San Diego, Tsinghua University researchers just made AI way better at knowing when to ask for help

126d ago


The coverage spans across 2 sections:

business 75%
research 25%


There has been 3 news sources reporting on this, including: SCMP (50%), VentureBeat (25%), and Nikkei (25%).

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