News: Shane Jones

Updated: 204 hours and 10 minutes ago

There has been 16 related news in the past 90 days:

This is the latest:

Listen to The Country online: Regional Development Minister Shane Jones on mill closures and energy prices
Read: NZ Herald link
Mill closures: Regional Development Minister Shane Jones warns of further closures after meeting Japanese ambassador
Read: NZ Herald link
Shane Jones and the 'communist' judge: He's naughty but not guilty in court of public opinion - Heather du Plessis-Allan
Read: NZ Herald link
Shane Jones' 'communist' judge comment: Winston Peters sides with Attorney-General Judith Collins
Read: NZ Herald link
Sheepish Shane Jones thanks Winston for his Gold Card and Judith Collins for the boot up the backside
Read: NZ Herald link
Shane Jones' judges comments: Law group wants greater action by Government
Read: NZ Herald link
Judith Collins to speak with Shane Jones after he takes another crack at judges
Read: NZ Herald link
Chris Hipkins grills Christopher Luxon over Shane Jones' 'communist judge' comment
Read: NZ Herald link
Listen to The Country online: Associate Minister of Finance Shane Jones on banking competition in NZ
Read: NZ Herald link
Listen to The Country online with Jamie Mackay: Associate Energy Minister Shane Jones on NZ's energy crisis
Read: NZ Herald link
Power prices: Shane Jones accuses big power companies of profiteering
Read: NZ Herald link
Shane Jones accuses Te Pati Maori of playing the Harry Potter 'muggles' blood shaming game
Read: NZ Herald link

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