News on Electronic surveillance-Social aspects-United States
There has been 13 news on Electronic surveillance-Social aspects-United States in the past from 9 sources across 3 sections.
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Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.08
neutral | 75% | |
negative | 17% | |
positive | 8% |
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Latest news
Social media platforms engaged in 'vast surveillance' and failed to protect young people, FTC finds
Social media and online video firms are conducting 'vast surveillance' on users, FTC finds
Big tech companies engage in "vast surveillance" of users, FTC says
Meta, TikTok and More Sites Engaged in 'Vast Surveillance,' a New FTC Study Finds
FTC Says Social Media Platforms Engage in 'Vast Surveillance' of Users
How China's citizens are coping with digital surveillance
Digital surveillance is omnipresent in China. How citizens are coping
Bloomberg Surveillance: Tech in Focus and Jobs Report
Surveillance: Tech Reels From the Hangover of Great Expectations
How Surveillance Is Changing Our Most Intimate Relationships
Bloomberg Surveillance: Outperformance in Tech
Bloomberg Surveillance: Tech in Focus
The coverage spans across 3 sections:
There has been 9 news sources reporting on this, including: Bloomberg (38%), LA Times (8%), Fast Company (8%), The Guardian (8%), and The New York Times (8%).
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