News on Orphanages-United States-History

7 hours ago

There has been 7 news on Orphanages-United States-History in the past from 6 sources across 4 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.27

neutral 71%
negative 29%

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Hundreds of Syrian children dumped in orphanages during Assad regime can't be traced

7h ago

'Focus on aftercare of young adults who exit orphanages'

Times of India
39d ago

TIKA delivers school supplies to orphanages in Afghanistan

Daily Sabah
176d ago

'It'll upend the community': PA town roiled by talk of migrant housing in Civil War-era orphanage building

Fox News
182d ago

Haiti orphanage founder to be sent to Florida for sex abuse case

The Star
387d ago

American founder of Haitian orphanage to appear in court on sexual abuse charges

Founder of Haitian orphanage arrested on federal charges of sexually abusing minors

Fox News
415d ago


The coverage spans across 4 sections:

culture 14%
health 14%
politics 57%
research 14%


There has been 6 news sources reporting on this, including: Fox News (29%), Daily Sabah (14%), The Star (14%), The Washington Times (14%), and Times of India (14%).

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