News on Teenagers-Mental health-Case studies
There has been 4 news on Teenagers-Mental health-Case studies in the past from 4 sources across 1 sections.
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Current sentiment polarity: slightly negative with a score of -0.31
negative | 50% | |
neutral | 50% |
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World News in Brief: 1.3 billion teens suffering mental disorders, Russia's Indigenous Peoples face 'extinction', Belarus rights update
Australian teenagers' mental health problems linked to vaping, study finds
Hysterical -- search for an explanation behind a wave of teenage mental illness
Instagram will help researchers study if it's hurting teen mental health
The coverage spans across 1 sections:
health | 50% |
There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: Global Issues (25%), The Guardian (25%), Financial Times (25%), and The Verge (25%).
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