live Feed:
Best Internet Providers in Camden, New Jersey - At Camden, Machado gets 1,000th career RBI - Murder investigation launched following death of newborn baby in Camden - Man arrested on suspicion of murder after baby found dead in Camden home - Traveling Phils fans give Kimbrel earful at Camden - Eric to Camden: the seven best shows to stream this week - Rocket Report: Starship stacked; Georgia shuts the door on Spaceport Camden - Urgent search for missing teenager after last seen leaving relative's home in Camden - Camden murder victim named as Ahmed Jama - Camden stabbing: Murder investigation after man killed


42 days ago

Key facts

Classified as: place


Camden is a city. It is in the United States and has a population of 80,412 people.

Location on a map: [39°92′N, -75°12′W]

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Camden is one of the cities in the United States and 47,605 cities in our database.
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Proportion of competitions per city in Camden

Competitions in Camden

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Distribution of competitions in Camden by start date

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Geographical distribution of universities in Camden by total students

Distribution of universities in Camden per foundation year

Universities in Camden

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Geographical distribution of museums in Camden by visitors

Museums in Camden

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In literature

There is no book written about Camden in the database


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