In the news:
Weimar life pops in this 'degenerate' portrait of a doctor to the stars - Los anos brumosos de la Republica de Weimar, entre el esplendor cultural y la convulsion politica - How an Eccentric Doctor Began His Quest For Utopia in Weimar Berlin - Del maravilloso mundo de Alicia, a los de Weimar y Oceania - Weimar Triangle starts preparing for a standoff with Russia - Weimar Triangle starts preparing for a standoff with Russia - 'Babylon Berlin' Season 4 Review: Weimar Drama Returns Triumphant - At Carnegie Hall, Weimar Is Irresistible but Vaguely Defined
Key facts
- country: Germany
- population: 65,113 people
Classified as: place
Location on a map: [50°98′N, 11°31′E]
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Weimar is a city. It is in Germany and has a population of 65,113 people.
Environment see more
Weimar is one of the cities in Germany and 47,605 cities in our database.