Health Care Equipment & Supplies

21 days ago

Key facts

  • companies: 13,382
  • employees: 3,414,834 people
  • revenues: 746.7B $
  • assets: 674B $
  • profits: 43.4B $
  • debt: 176.4B $
Classified as: topic


Health Care Equipment & Supplies is an industry. It includes 13,382 companies, employing 3,414,834 individuals. The total assets amount to 674B $, generating revenues of 746.7B $ and profits of 43.4B $, while total debt stands at 176.4B $.


Health Care Equipment & Supplies is one of the 71 industries in our database.

Companies in the Health Care Equipment & Supplies industry

Proportion of CEOs per gender in Health Care Equipment & Supplies companies

Proportion of employee types in companies in the Health Care Equipment & Supplies industry

Distribution of companies in Health Care Equipment & Supplies by foundation year

Proportion of revenue types by companies in the Health Care Equipment & Supplies industry

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In literature

There is no book written about Health Care Equipment & Supplies in the database


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    This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license