On Paper, Unique
On Paper, Unique is an art medium. It serves as the medium for 18,144 artworks in our database. It is utilised by 929 artists and features 948 subcategories.
Key facts
- number of art medium details: 948
- number of artists: 929
- number of artworks: 18,144
Classified as: topic
On Paper, Unique is one of the 2,349 art mediums in our database.
- Latest art creation date: 2012
- Earliest art creation date: 1596
Distribution of artworks in On Paper, Unique by acquisition date
Distribution of artworks in On Paper, Unique by acquisition year
Artworks in On Paper, Unique :
Distribution of artworks in On Paper, Unique by start date
Relationship between height and width of artworks in On Paper, Unique