Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals
Key facts
- companies: 5,657
- employees: 2,408,992 people
- revenues: 980.7B $
- assets: 754.1B $
- profits: 44B $
- debt: 192.2B $
Classified as: topic
Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals is an industry. It includes 5,657 companies, employing 2,408,992 individuals. The total assets amount to 754.1B $, generating revenues of 980.7B $ and profits of 44B $, while total debt stands at 192.2B $.
Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals is one of the 71 industries in our database.
Companies in the Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals industry
Proportion of CEOs per gender in Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals companies
Proportion of employee types in companies in the Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals industry
Distribution of companies in Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals by foundation year
Proportion of revenue types by companies in the Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals industry
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