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All artists

1 day ago

This dataset is about artists, featuring 6 columns including artist, birth date, country, death date, and gender. The preview is ordered by number of artworks (descending).

This dataset consists of 33,721 rows and is 79% filled with non-null values.

Dataset preview (limited to 100 rows):


There are 6 fields used in this dataset, including filters:

  • Artist: Name of the artist.
  • Birth Date (year): Artist birth date.
  • Country: Country of birth or nationality.
  • Death Date (year): Artist death date.
  • Gender: Gender of the artist.
  • Number Of Artworks: Number of artworks from the artist.


Size: 33,721 rows

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This dataset is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate.

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license.