At the Centre Pompidou, Suzanne Valadon finds her rightful place in the art of her time - Marianne Faithfull, 1960s muse turned musical icon, dies at 78 - Puerto Rican artist iLe: 'I feel motivated to rescue our cultural history' - Alice Coltrane inspires new generation of artists to transcend trying times at the Hammer Museum - The Sharjah Biennial Is Reclaiming Narratives of the Global South--Here Are 5 Artists to Know - A night with the Melbourne opera - in pictures - London Fashion Week launches with ode to gender fluid designs - The Glorious, Tortured Imagination of Caspar David Friedrich - The Reluctant Genius of Rudy Burckhardt - Paul Mpagi Sepuya's Labyrinths of Desire - Kim Sae-ron's death underscores the huge pressure on South Korean celebrities - Artists Protest New Anti-Diversity Policy at National Endowment for the Arts
There is currently data on 33,710 artists spanning 6 fields. This entity belongs to the culture section and is classified as a person.
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The artists currently trending are:
Caspar David Friedrich,
Paul Mpagi Sepuya,
Rudy Burckhardt,
Suzanne Valadon,
Kazimir Malevich,
Enrique Huerta,
Karin Székessy.
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Global density of artists
Proportion of artists per gender
Here are the dimensions available on this entity:
number of artworks.
Top artists by number of artworks
Artists with more than 2 artworks:
Here are the dimensions available on this entity:
birth date,
death date.