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Acquisition date, artwork link, and classification by artwork


This dataset is about artworks. It has 5 columns: artwork, classification, artwork link, credit, and acquisition date. The data is ordered by creation start date.

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This dataset has 781,572 rows and is 61.0% filled with non-null values

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Artwork: Title of the artwork (str, 100% fill rate)
Artwork Link: (str, 21% fill rate)
Creation Start Date: Date when the artwork was started (int, year, 75% fill rate)
Creation End Date: Date when the artwork was finished (int, year, 75% fill rate)
Museum: Museum where the artwork is currently located (str, 100% fill rate)
Depth: Depth of the artwork (float, cm, 5% fill rate)
Height: Height of the artwork (float, cm, 80% fill rate)
Width: Width of the artwork (float, cm, 77% fill rate)
Acquisition Date: The date on which the artwork was acquired by an organization or museum (str, date, 53% fill rate)
Classification: (str, 98% fill rate)
Medium: The techniques or materials used in creating the artwork (str, 59% fill rate)
Credit: (str, 34% fill rate)


This dataset is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate

Updated: 17 days ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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