Artwork, creation start date, acquisition date, and classification by artwork


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This dataset is about artworks. It has 5 columns: artwork, creation start date, classification, artwork link, and acquisition date. The data is ordered by creation start date.

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This dataset has 781,572 rows and is 69.37% filled with non-null values

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Metric Type Description Unit Column Fill %
artwork String Title of the artwork None 100.0
artwork link String None None 20.85
creation start date Integer Date whent he artwork was started None 75.49
creation end date Integer Date when the artwork was finished None 75.18
museum String None None 100.0
depth Float None cm 4.61
height Float None cm 79.7
width Float None cm 76.73
acquisition date String None None 52.88
classification String None None 97.64
medium String None None 59.37
credit String None None 33.61


This dataset is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate

Updated: 14 days ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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