Social media links, LinkedIn followers, and revenues by company


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This dataset is about companies. It has 5 columns: company, revenues, LinkedIn followers, Facebook link, and Instagram link. The data is ordered by revenues.

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This dataset has 3,466,499 rows and is 46.85% filled with non-null values

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Metric Type Description Unit Column Fill %
LinkedIn link String None None 56.01
LinkedIn followers Integer None None 20.64
talking points String Concatenation of different descriptions of the companies, coming from different sources such as the website or social media None 100.0
employees Integer None None 71.39
domain String None None 100.0
country String None None 83.11
website String None None 100.0
Twitter link String None None 28.68
Twitter username String None None 22.25
industry String None None 46.28
sector String None None 52.11
revenues Float None $ 71.39
revenue type String None None 71.39
Instagram link String None None 18.66
CEO approval String None None 0.17
stack String None None 61.2
Twitter creation date String None None 22.25
Facebook link String None None 23.58
city String None None 46.65
employee type String None None 71.39
foundation year Integer None None 37.88
tweets Integer None None 22.25
Twitter followers Integer None None 22.25
company String None None 100.0


This dataset is based on data from: Twitter, YAHOO-FIN, YFINANCE

Updated: 6 days ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license


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