University, city, country, foundation year, and total students by country of origin


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This dataset is about universities. It has 5 columns: university, country, city, foundation year, and total students. The data is ordered by total students.

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This dataset has 2,033 rows and is 66.92% filled with non-null values

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Metric Type Description Unit Column Fill %
graduate students Integer None None 34.28
undergraduate students Integer None None 34.19
university String None None 100.0
country String None None 100.0
domain String None None 99.21
ranking Integer None None 100.0
address String None None 43.88
foundation year Integer None None 42.4
introduction String None None 29.32
total students Integer None None 43.88
international students String None None 41.86
city String None None 48.3
latitude Float None None 48.3
longitude Float None None 48.3
city coordinates String None None 48.3


This dataset is based on data from: The Center for World University Rankings, Shanghai University Ranking

Updated: 527 days ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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