Art mediums

17 days ago

There is currently data on 2,347 art mediums across 6 fields. This entity is part of the culture section and is classified as a topic.

Complete dataset:

Currently trending:

Number of art medium details

Number of category subsets within this category. - Distinct values: 75 - Fill rate: 100%

Top art mediums by number of art medium details

Art mediums where number of art medium details more than 1

Number of artists

Number of artists with artworks within this category. - Distinct values: 83 - Fill rate: 100%

Top art mediums by number of artists

Art mediums where number of artists more than 0

Number of artworks

Number of artworks within this category. - Distinct values: 244 - Fill rate: 100%

Top art mediums by number of artworks

Art mediums where number of artworks more than 4

Earliest art creation date

Year of the creation of the first artwork within this category. - Distinct values: 399 - Fill rate: 85% - Expressed in: year

Art mediums earliest art creation after 1696

Latest art creation date

Year of the creation of the last artwork within this category. - Distinct values: 368 - Fill rate: 85% - Expressed in: year

Art mediums latest art creation after 1810

We also have data on: Art medium

Knowledge Graph

Amongst the 1 units related to this entity, here are the most frequent ones:


This content is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate

This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license