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31 minutes ago

There is currently data on 2 diseases spanning 19 fields. This entity belongs to the health section and is classified as a topic.

The diseases currently trending are:

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dataset Diseases in the United States :

dataset All diseases:

dataset Diseases that ended after 2023-01-01:

dataset Diseases that started after 2021-01-01:


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: country, names, description, virus family, transmission, symptoms, mortality rate, vaccine, treatment, global cases.

Global density of diseases

Proportion of diseases in the United States by mortality rate


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: cases, deaths.

Evolution of historical cases of Mpox

Evolution of historical deaths from Mpox


Here are the dimensions available on this entity: date, first founded year, first day of reporting, last day of reporting.

Distribution of diseases by first founded year in the United States

Distribution of diseases in the United States by start date

Knowledge Graph


This content is based on data from: John Hopkins University, World Health Organization.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.