There is currently data on 2 diseases spanning 19 fields. This entity belongs to the health section.
Complete dataset:
Currently trending:
Country in which the cases were measured. -
Distinct values: 211
- Fill rate: 100%
Global density of diseases
Diseases in the United States
Evolution of historical cases of COVID-19
Evolution of historical deaths from COVID-19
First founded year
Year when the disease was discovered for the first time. -
Distinct values: 2
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: year
Distribution of diseases by first founded year in the United States
Mortality rate
Ratio between deaths and individuals that have contracted the disease. -
Distinct values: 2
- Fill rate: 100%
Proportion of diseases in the United States by mortality rate
First day of reporting
First date the disease data was reported on. -
Distinct values: 2
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: date
Distribution of diseases in the United States by start date
Diseases where first day of reporting more than 2021-01-01
Last day of reporting
Last date the disease data was reported on. -
Distinct values: 2
- Fill rate: 100%
- Expressed in: date
Diseases where last day of reporting more than 2023-01-01
We also have data on: Date, Names, Description, Virus family, Transmission, Symptoms, Vaccine, Treatment and Global cases
Knowledge Graph
Amongst the 3 units related to this entity, here are the most frequent ones:
This content is based on data from: John Hopkins University, World Health Organization
This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license