News on Accidents to young motor cyclists : a statistical investigation

64 days ago

There has been 8 news on Accidents to young motor cyclists : a statistical investigation in the past from 4 sources across 3 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: slightly negative with a score of -0.59

negative 62%
neutral 25%
positive 12%

Sentiment polarity through time

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Click on the source to read the entire article:

Cycling accidents a summer concern for ACC in Hawke's Bay

NZ Herald
64d ago

Pedestrian and cyclist accidents surge 25 percent across the Netherlands

NL Times
74d ago

Rise in traffic injuries involving cyclists; 75% think helmets a good idea on e-bikes

NL Times
281d ago

Accidents: Motorists to undergo tests for drug consumption

Times of India
440d ago


The coverage spans across 3 sections:

business 12%
culture 12%
sports 12%


There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: NL Times (62%), DutchNews (12%), Times of India (12%), and NZ Herald (12%).

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