News on Deep Earth : physics and chemistry of the lower mantle and core

8 days ago

There has been 5 news on Deep Earth : physics and chemistry of the lower mantle and core in the past from 3 sources across 1 sections.

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Scientists reveal evolutionary history of continent-sized regions in the deep mantle

11d ago

Seismic study reveals ancient 'islands' deep within Earth's mantle

48d ago

Scientists discover 'sunken worlds' hidden deep within Earth's mantle that shouldn't be there

50d ago

New study supports stable mantle chemistry dating back to Earth's early geologic history

230d ago

Deep mantle movements help explain Earth's mysterious bulges

The Guardian
257d ago


The coverage spans across 1 sections:

research 100%


There has been 3 news sources reporting on this, including: Phys (60%), The Guardian (20%), and Space (20%).

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