News on Northern lights : a guide
There has been 7 news on Northern lights : a guide in the past from 4 sources across 2 sections.
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New Year's northern lights delight as powerful solar storms spark auroras across central US and Europe (photos)
Aurora activity is just getting started. Here's why the best northern lights are yet to come.
Photos: Northern Lights visible to naked eye in Netherlands last night
Northern lights expected to return to UK skies this weekend
Auroras galore! Severe geomagnetic storm sparks stunning northern lights across US (photos)
Shooting stars, northern lights and sea sparkle in Netherlands last night
Northern lights turn skies magenta over Norfolk
The coverage spans across 2 sections:
environment | 43% | |
research | 57% |
There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: Space (43%), NL Times (29%), The Guardian (14%), and BBC (14%).
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