News on Plants at the margin : ecological limits and climate change
There has been 11 news on Plants at the margin : ecological limits and climate change in the past from 4 sources across 2 sections.
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Seedling shuffle: Climate warming reshapes plant communities by changing the order of seed germination
Climate change is making plants less nutritious--that could already be hurting animals that are grazers
Global study reveals phenological divergence between plants and animals under climate change
Climate Watch: Protecting the Planet | How climate change threatens plant and animal species
California a botanical and climate change hot spot
Tropical plant species are as threatened by climate change as widely feared, study confirms
Mongolian grasslands study reveals key drivers of plant community stability in changing climate
Climate-resilient plants to be developed in a bid to secure food as Earth warms
Climate change is shifting the zones where plants grow. Here's what that could mean for your garden
The coverage spans across 2 sections:
environment | 45% | |
research | 55% |
There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: Phys (73%), Independent (9%), Daily Sabah (9%), and CBS (9%).
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