News on Public opinion in Ukraine, 2010
There has been 4 news on Public opinion in Ukraine, 2010 in the past from 4 sources across 3 sections.
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Sentiment analysis
Current sentiment polarity: slightly negative with a score of -0.33
neutral | 50% | |
negative | 50% |
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Meduza's statement on the advertising campaign and the Ukrainian community's reaction
Gallup poll shows sharp decline in Ukrainian support for American policies
Conscripting the critics: Ukrainian authorities accused of using draft as political weapon
'Information can be bent. Emotions are always honest': the film at the heart of Ukraine's agonising evacuations
The coverage spans across 3 sections:
There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: TASS News Agency (25%), The Guardian (25%), Euromaidan Press (25%), and Meduza (25%).
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