News on Repression, resistance, and women in Afghanistan

16 hours ago

There has been 14 news on Repression, resistance, and women in Afghanistan in the past from 9 sources across 3 sections.

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Sentiment analysis

Current sentiment polarity: slightly negative with a score of -0.37

neutral 44%
negative 44%
positive 11%

Sentiment polarity through time

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Australia pulls out of Afghanistan cricket series over Taliban's restrictions on women

16h ago

JUST IN -- ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of Taliban leaders in Afghanistan for persecution of women

Deutsche Welle
48d ago

The Taliban's repression of women in Afghanistan is outrageous, the UN rights chief says

The Star
183d ago

Taliban leaders enforce brutal restrictions against women, except for their own daughters

The Hill
321d ago

Most UN Security Council members demand Taliban rescind decrees seriously oppressing women and girls

Fox News
379d ago

Afghanistan: Taliban's crackdown on women over 'bad hijab' must end

United Nations
404d ago

Taliban arrest women for wearing 'bad hijab' in Afghanistan

Times of India
433d ago


The coverage spans across 3 sections:

culture 7%
politics 29%
sports 29%


There has been 9 news sources reporting on this, including: The Star (29%), ABC News (21%), United Nations (7%), Global Issues (7%), and The Hill (7%).

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