News on Danone

138 days ago

There has been 7 news on Danone in the past from 4 sources across 1 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: slightly positive with a score of 0.39

positive 50%
negative 33%
neutral 17%

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Latest news

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Danone Sales Growth Beats Market Expectations

Danone plans India expansion to close in on rivals Unilever and Nestle

Financial Times
156d ago

Danone Keeps Outlook as Consumers Welcome Lower Prices

The rise of Ozempic and Wegovy is good for the yogurt business, Danone CEO says

341d ago

Danone/Carlsberg: expropriation escalates Russia’s war on business

Financial Times
601d ago

Ukraine seeks to lure global firms from Moscow as Danone and Carlsberg assets seized

602d ago


The coverage spans across 1 sections:

business 100%


There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: The Wall Street Journal (43%), Financial Times (29%), CNBC News (14%), and Quartz (14%).

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