News on Google Maps Platform
There has been 82 news on Google Maps Platform in the past from 27 different sources and amongst 5 sections
Latest news
Google Maps is deleting location history soon, so act now to save your data
Police Say Google Maps Just Helped Them Solve a Missing Person Case
Google Maps shows suspected corpse, helps solve murder mystery
Google Maps car snaps vital clue in Spanish missing person case
Google Maps is now displaying Waze incident reports
Three Men Die After Google Maps Reportedly Told Them to Drive Over an Unfinished Bridge
Google Maps Is Deleting Your Entire Location History. Here's How to Save It
Google maps reveal sensitive Ukrainian military positions on its maps
Google Maps is getting new AI features powered by Gemini
Google Maps Meets Gemini: Hands-On With New AI Tools video
Going further
Evolution through time
The coverage spreads amongst 5 sections:
business | 34% |
culture | 10% |
research | 6% |
politics | 4% |
environment | 2% |
There has been 27 publishers reporting on this, including: TechCrunch (15%), Mashable (11%), Gizmodo (10%), CNET News (9%), The Verge (9%).
This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license