News on
There has been 1,824 news on in the past from 30 different sources and amongst 6 sections:
Latest news
The Washington Times
2 hours ago
World Series champion Dodgers top MLB luxury tax at $103 million as record 9 teams owe penalty
The Star
3 hours ago
World Series champion Dodgers top MLB luxury tax at $103 million as record 9 teams owe penalty
LA Times
3 hours ago
It cost $1.7 million to have the LAPD work -- and wear Dodgers caps -- at World Series parade
LA Times
15 hours ago
Bryan Cranston tries to get Dave Roberts to reveal Dodgers' Roki Sasaki plans: 'Don't get me in trouble'
LA Times
52 hours ago
Devin Williams thought he'd join defending World Series champion Dodgers. Yankees beat L.A. to him
LA Times
52 hours ago
Kike Hernandez says F-bomb cost him money -- and almost a game -- during Dodgers' World Series run
Going further
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Distribution by publisher
There has been 30 publishers reporting on this, including: LA Times (29%), The Star (23%), CBS (20%), ESPN (11%), The Washington Times (5%) .
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