News on Marathon Oil

236 days ago

There has been 7 news on Marathon Oil in the past from 7 sources across 2 sections.

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Marathon Oil reaches a $241 million settlement with EPA for environmental violations

236d ago

Marathon Oil Agrees to Pay Record EPA Penalty

Marathon Oil's settlement for polluting Native land includes a record fine

241d ago

Marathon Oil will pay the largest ever civic penalty for polluting Native American land

Fast Company
241d ago

Marathon Oil agrees to record penalty for oil and gas pollution

242d ago

Stocks making the biggest moves premarket: Marathon Oil, Robinhood, American Airlines, Chewy & more

285d ago


The coverage spans across 2 sections:


There has been 7 news sources reporting on this, including: NPR (14%), The New York Times (14%), Quartz (14%), Fast Company (14%), and CBS (14%).

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