News on Vivendi

79 days ago

There has been 8 news on Vivendi in the past from 4 sources across 1 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.12

negative 38%
positive 38%
neutral 25%

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French broadcaster Canal+ shares fall 22% in London listing after spinoff from Vivendi

79d ago

Vivendi Shareholders Back Break-Up Plans

Vivendi shareholders approve plan for 4-way split of French media group

Financial Times
92d ago

For Vivendi, this split is better than no split at all

Financial Times
97d ago

French Billionaire's Vivendi Breakup Plan Fails to Curb Stock's Conglomerate Discount

106d ago

Vivendi activist urges shareholders to oppose break-up plan

Financial Times
133d ago

Vivendi's listings shopping shows weakness of Europe's stock markets

Financial Times
228d ago


The coverage spans across 1 sections:

business 100%


There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: Financial Times (62%), CNBC News (12%), The Wall Street Journal (12%), and Bloomberg (12%).

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